• To create an apex body representative of professionals involved with the processed food industry of Sri Lanka.
  • To uplift the level of professionalism within the food processing sector in the country.
  • To benchmark and promote best practices benef‌icial to the national processed food industry.
  • To interact at an advisory level with state bodies engaging the Government and consumer representation in all national policies and regulatory matters.
  • To serve as a forum for professionals to exchange ideas, conduct research and promote innovation.
  • To conduct educational programs, training programs, award certificates and engage in any knowledge infusing activities which benefit the food sector.
  • To develop, nurture and promote the national image and the competitiveness of the food processing sector.
  • To pursue co—ordination and interaction with Non-Governmental Organizations, international Funding Agencies and fellow professional bodies in furtherance of these objectives.
  • To undertake all matters incidental or conducive to the attainment of these objectives.


The IFSTSL is managed by a Council of 13 members and a Governing Board of 5 members elected at the Annual General Meeting among its members. The two bodies work together to maintain high professional standards in all activities of IFSTSL.

The IFSTSL is registered under the Registrar of Companies with a legally acceptable constitution governing its activities.


The IFSTSL recognizes as its current major responsibilities the following:

  • Strengthening the human resource in the food industry as a technically competent workforce
  • Updating the knowledge of the field managers in the industry on changing trends in food regulatory systems with special reference to self-management and self-improvement concepts.
  • Providing well balanced and wetted information related to food quality and food safety issues to the consumers.
  • Preparing the food industry to work in line with international requirements, global thinking and changing concepts.
  • To keep the handlers of the policies and the economy in Sri Lanka informed on food related issues from a scientific point of View.