

To expose the applied research, conducted in the universities and other research institutes in Sri Lanka, to the food industry creating an opportunity for harnessing the research for industrial benefit. By creating a common platform for key stakeholders, we seek to have a research dialogue driving the innovations for a sustainable future.

Important Dates
  1. Open for Registration: 25th June 2024
  2. Deadline for submitting abstracts: 24th August 2024
  3. Reviewer comments to the authors on acceptance: 7th September 2024
  4. Deadline for submitting revised abstracts based on reviewer comments: 16th September 2024
  5. FoodTechno 2024 - 08th Annual Research Session: 05th October 2024


General Instructions
  1. Research presented at the sessions should be conducted in Sri Lanka.
  2. The abstract must be of original work. It should not have been submitted elsewhere in its current format, and if the content has been submitted elsewhere, it should be stated within the text.
  3. Research carried out in the areas of Food Science, Food Technology, Food Safety & Quality, Food & Nutrition and Food Analysis or Allied Fields will be accepted. The subject matter to be presented should be of relevance to the food industry.
  4. In the case of the research conducted by the university students/ graduates who worked with the supervisor/s and others who made a significant contribution as co-authors, IFSTSL encourages the student to be the presenting author.
  5. The authors are expected to submit an abstract following the guidelines below.
  6. The authors are asked to mention their preferred style of presenting (Oral or Poster) at the time of abstract submission. If the authors wish to present orally, a 10-minute video prepared on their work must be submitted along with the abstract (as a link for Google Drive).
  7. The abstract will be published as a separate volume of FoodTechno proceedings by the IFSTSL during the research session.
  8. Upon acceptance,
    • For oral presentations, authors are expected to make a 12-minute presentation, followed by a 3-minute discussion at the Research Session.
    • For poster presentations, authors are expected to prepare a poster and mount the printed posters by 8.30 am on 05th October, 2024. The presenter should be physically present at the poster session and make a 3 min oral presentation to the judges.
  9. Documents to be submitted:
  10. The below documents are needed to be submitted to on or before 24th August, 2024
    1. Abstract in the MS Word format
    2. 10 min video prepared on the study if you wish to present the abstract orally at the conference.
    3. Filled application form signed by all the authors (click to download the application form)
  11. All the authors are required to register and pay the published registration fee to attend FoodTechno 2024 on or before 25 th September, 2024.
  12. Google link for Registration :
Registration Fees:
  • Student members: Rs. 500/-
  • Students (non-member): Rs. 1500/-
  • Members: Rs. 3000/-
  • Non-Members: Rs. 4000/-
Payment Information:
  • Bank: National Development Bank (NDB), Havelock Town Account Number: 101‐000151786
  • Please attach the payment slip here or WhatsApp to 077 1149397 (Ms. Sandya)
Contact Information:
If you have questions about the FoodTechno 2024, please contact,
Prof. Niranjan Rajapakse or Dr. Sumudu Warnakulasuriya at or 0764800464.
Our Office:
No.21D, Vijaya Kumaratunga Mw (Polhengoda Gardens), 

Guidelines for the Abstract preparation
  • Paper size and margins: A4, Left margin 30 mm and other margins 25 mm
  • Line spacing: 1.15
  • Word limit: Should be between 250 – 300 words
  • Title: should be short, but descriptive. Informative titles, indicating key points are encouraged. Abbreviations should not be used in the title. Font: Calibri, 14 points, Upper case, Bold, Centered text
  • Authors: Name and Surname, A superscript asterisk should be used for the corresponding author. The presenting author should be underlined. Font: Calibri, 12 points, Sentence case, Centered text.
  • Affiliations: should be indicated with superscript Arabic numbers appearing at the end of surname name. Names of affiliations should be given including the country. If there is more than one name and address, they should be related by superscript numbers.
  • Ex:-
    Surname INITIALS 1 , Surname INITIALS 1 * and Surname INITIALS 2
    1 Department, Faculty, University, Country
    2 Department, Institute, Country
    * (* Email address of the corresponding author)

  • Body: Calibri, 12 points; Line spacing: 1 The structure of the abstracts should address i)Justification ii)Objectives iii)Methods iv)Results and v)Significance of the research to the above key interest areas relevant to the theme ‘Science for Sustainable Food Systems’. Please do not include subheadings, bullets, lists and header/footer in the abstract. Acronyms should be written in full the first time, mentioned in the text, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.
  • Keywords: Should be provided as a must (no more than 06 words) and written in lowercase
  • Units & Acronyms:
    1. SI units should be used throughout.
    2. A single space should be left between the numerical values and units (20 mg/kg)
    3. Degree symbol for temperature and percentage should be separated by a single space (73 C / 75 %)
    4. All acronyms should be written in full at the first time of appearance with the abbreviation indicated.
  • Language: UK English only
  • Software: Use MS Word 2003 or a later version

Food Techno - 2023